7:00 PM-9:00 PM

Kulttuuritalo Korundi, Lapinkävijäntie 4, 96100 Rovaniemi

Lapland Chamber Orchestra

Lapland Chamber Orchestra's Chamber Music Concert IV: Living the Moment

Soloists Elina Mustonen and Anna Laakso join together in Johann Sebastian Bach's Concerto for Two Keyboards in C major! The rest of the programme is filled with colourful chamber music - from Finland and abroad!

Chamber Music Concert IV

Living the Moment

Iida Mojzer, leader

Elina Mustonen, harpsichord

Anna Laakso, harpsichord


Modest Musorgski: Notš na Lysoi gore ('Night on Bald Mountain'), arr. Joachim Linckelmann

Olli Koskelin: Pas de Deux

Kaija Saariaho: Terra Memoria ("for those departed")

Clara Schumann: Drei Romanzen op. 21, arr. Ernst Spyckerelle, Finnish premiere   

Siri Brander: Elegie, arr. A. E. Westerlind

Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto for Two Harpsichords in C major BWV 1061

Concert is included in the season ticket. The concert includes an interval.

Kulttuuritalo Korundi, Lapinkävijäntie 4, 96100 Rovaniemi

Elina Mustonen, pic Heikki Tuuli