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Iida Mojzer

1st Violin, 2nd Concertmaster

Iida Mojzer has studied at the Royal College of Music (RCM) in London as a Stanbridge Drake-Brockman scholar under Jan Repko and Daniel Rowland, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in music in 2019 with the highest marks possible. Her previous teachers have included Prof. Michael Frischenschlager at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna and Minna Pensola at the Sibelius Academy, among others. Iida has since returned to Finland and is currently studying for a master’s degree at the Sibelius Academy under Tero Latvala.

Iida has performed actively at various festivals around Europe, both as a soloist and as an orchestral and chamber musician. She has served as a concertmaster for various orchestras at the RCM and Sibelius Academy, and has worked in several professional orchestras in both Finland and England. In the autumn of 2020, Iida won the audition for the position of 2nd concertmaster in the Lapland Chamber Orchestra. In addition, Iida has performed extensively with her string quartet across the UK, and has made her debut, for example, at London’s prestigious Wigmore Hall.

Iida has participated in master classes by Zakhar Bron, Latica Honda-Rosenberg and Sergey Malov, among others. Important guides for her in the field of chamber music have included Marko Ylönen, Paavo Pohjola and Melissa Phelps.