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Open this week

Tue-Fri 11-18

Sat-Sun 11-16

Art Thursday

Free entrance every Thursday at 16-18


Lapinkävijäntie 4
FI-96100 Rovaniemi
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Travelling exhibitions to local library?

Would you like to display Finland's top-tier contemporary art in your municipality's library, cultural center, or youth space?

The 2024 traveling exhibitions offer a bird's-eye view of the world and contemplate the skills required of an adventurer. The mini-exhibitions are curated from the Jenny and Antti Wihuri Foundation's collection.

Bird's Eye View

Posio Library 9.1.–29.2.
Salla Library 5.4.–4.6.
Savukoski Municipal Hall 30.8.–28.11.


Posio Library 1.3.–29.4.
Salla Library 5.6.–4.8.


If you want to book an exhibition, please contact:

Tanja Tuovila
curator of regional co-operation